Here's some useful information regarding the tin whistle book that's for sale on my website. The book is a collection of over one hundred mostly folk songs that are very popular in Ireland and around the world. They are all songs as opposed to traditional tunes. There are plenty of books around that provide traditional tunes for the whistle, so instead I concentrated on the well knows songs instead. While putting the book together I was very conscious of who the book would be most helpful to, so after a lot of thought I aimed the book at beginners and intermediate tin whistle players.
I was already aware that there was a large amount of players who for many reasons don't or can't read standard sheet music. So how was I going to help these bunch of people out ?.
Well from corresponding with those who visit my website over the years I found out that the simple ''Letter Notes'' were of enormous help to non sheet music readers, so I aimed to put a book together to include letter notes. But as I said the book was also aimed at intermediate players so I put together tin whistle sheet music to suit these players.
Personally I prefer learning a song by ear but when I'm out of practise I tend to lean towards reading the basic letter notes version of the song, I find it much quicker and easier to study this way.
It's now six months since the book was launched on my website and sales have been quiet steady in all that time. I'm very happy with the feedback from those who bought the book, it's all been very positive and supportive and I thank you all for the kind words.
Some people ask me will there be another book coming out ? well the answer is no as I have included most of the well known songs in this book already. Other's ask why I don't sell the book on Amazon ? well the answer is that it would push the price of the book to high. You see Amazon charge close to £7 to deliver, that's about €10. Also I would have to ship my box of books to the Amazon warehouse in the UK and that would ad more charges, so you see it would just not be worth while to sell on Amazon for me, and I really don't know how others can justify it. But there's another reason, if you're ever buying stuff on the Amazon website they don't tell you the postage charges until you ''check out'' and I feel that's deceiving buyers. They should place the postage charges beside the item for sale. I like to be up-front and honest with people and tell them exactly how much the book costs including post and packing.
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